Who should use this site?

State and Territory AT Programs

State and Territory AT Programs can compare their own program scope to other programs, utilize data for program evaluation and development initiatives, and access information on APR data entry and State Plans.


Policymakers can understand the scope of activities conducted by State/Territory AT Programs and measure their collective impact across multiple years.

Researchers and academics

Researchers and academics can utilize standard reports for rapid analyses and access raw data to drill down on specific information of interest.

Individuals with disabilities and their families

Individuals with disabilities and their families can learn about State/Territory AT Program activities and how to access them.


Advocates can access consumer success stories and innovative initiatives to advocate on behalf of their State/Territory AT Programs and influence decision-makers.


CATADA IconState and Territory Assistive Technology Programs focus on improving the provision of Assistive Technology (AT) through comprehensive, statewide programs that are consumer responsive. The goal of these programs is to increase access to and acquisition of AT. Programs serve people with all types of disabilities, of all ages, in all environments.


AT is any item, piece of equipment, or system, whether acquired commercially, modified, or customized, that is commonly used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities.

Enter AT Data

Access NATADS to enter data for your State Plan for AT, Annual Progress Report (APR) and the day-to-day data management component. Login is required.


Use this interactive chart to learn more about the number of devices loaned to consumers. The bar chart represents the total number of devices loaned to consumers for 10 types of AT. In FY 2023, a total of 50,951 devices were loaned from 53 AT programs. Speech communication devices were the most commonly loaned devices, totaling 12,428, representing 24% of the devices loaned. For more national-level data about this activity, view this report: State Data Summary.

SOURCE: National Assistive Technology Act Data System, State Grants for AT Program annual progress report aggregate data for FY 2021.


How do you access information about and acquire assistive technology devices for yourself, family members, or clients to enhance life, work, and play? The AT Act authorizes state leadership and state level activities designed to provide an integrated continuum of AT services. Each activity within the continuum provides critical access or acquisition to AT.

Scroll over the flow chart to learn more!