Catada Publications

AT Data Briefs

A National Data Summary of State Assistive Technology Programs: Fiscal Year 2023

A National Data Summary of State Assistive Technology Programs: Fiscal Year 2023

Issue No. 16 - 2024

This AT Act Data Brief is a national summary of State Assistive Technology Programs' FY 2023 data.

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ATP 2023

A National Data Summary of State Assistive Technology Programs: Fiscal Year 2022

Issue No. 15 - 2023

This AT Act Data Brief is a national summary of State Assistive Technology Programs' FY 2022 data.

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See Past Reports >>

Annual Report to Congress

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Access the Annual Report to Congress on the Assistive Technology Act of 1998, as Amended, for FYs 2015 – 2018

Go to the ACL Reports to Congress and the President page. Scroll down to the Assistive Technology Act Programs header to get the reports.

Statewide AT programs are required by law to collect data on their activities and provide annual progress reports to the Administration for Community Living (ACL). These reports are a compilation of data and contain information about the activities of statewide AT programs.