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Education | Employment | Community Living | |
Could only afford the AT through the AT program. | 639 | 776 | 7,574 |
AT was only available through the AT program. | 927 | 355 | 1,330 |
AT was available through other programs, but the system was too complex or the wait time too long. | 19 | 09 | 159 |
None of the Above | 17 | 13 | 87 |
Nonrespondent | 00 | 08 | 2,793 |
Total | 1,602 | 1,161 | 11,943 |
Education | Employment | Community Living | |
Could only afford the AT through the AT program. | 1,490 | 580 | 43,160 |
AT was only available through the AT program. | 415 | 221 | 7,695 |
AT was available through other programs, but the system was too complex or the wait time too long. | 166 | 150 | 3,427 |
None of the Above | 56 | 17 | 569 |
Nonrespondent | 30 | 17 | 1,176 |
Total | 2,157 | 985 | 56,027 |
Education | Employment | Community Living | |
Could only afford the AT through the AT program. | 1,107 | 164 | 2,468 |
AT was only available through the AT program. | 807 | 325 | 1,232 |
AT was available through other programs, but the system was too complex or the wait time too long. | 215 | 56 | 501 |
None of the Above | 140 | 31 | 183 |
Total Nonrespondent | 155 | 28 | 114 |
Counted Nonrespondent | 00 | 00 | 00 |
Total | 2,424 | 604 | 4,498 |
Education | Employment | Community Living | |
Could only afford the AT through the AT program. | 3,236 | 1,520 | 53,202 |
AT was only available through the AT program. | 2,149 | 901 | 10,257 |
AT was available through other programs, but the system was too complex or the wait time too long. | 400 | 215 | 4,087 |
None of the Above | 213 | 61 | 839 |
Total Nonrespondent | 185 | 53 | 4,083 |
Counted Nonrespondent | 30 | 25 | 3,969 |
Total | 6,183 | 2,750 | 72,468 |
Education | Employment | Community Living | |
Decided AT will meet needs | 5,940 | 875 | 7,181 |
Decided AT will not meet needs | 1,436 | 115 | 964 |
Have not made a decision | 585 | 46 | 476 |
Total Nonrespondents | 656 | 74 | 715 |
Counted Nonrespondents | 00 | 00 | 00 |
Total | 8,617 | 1,110 | 9,336 |
Education | Employment | Community Living | |
Decided AT will meet needs | 6,588 | 1,633 | 14,599 |
Decided AT will not meet needs | 175 | 122 | 652 |
Have not made a decision | 311 | 120 | 1,152 |
Nonrespondents | 188 | 37 | 143 |
Total | 7,262 | 1,912 | 16,546 |
Education | Employment | Community Living | |
Decided AT will meet needs | 12,528 | 2,508 | 21,780 |
Decided AT will not meet needs | 1,611 | 237 | 1,616 |
Have not made a decision | 896 | 166 | 1,628 |
Total Nonrespondents | 844 | 111 | 858 |
Counted Nonrespondents | 188 | 37 | 143 |
Total | 15,879 | 3,022 | 25,882 |
Number | |
IT and telecommunications procurement or development policies, procedures, or practices will be improved or better implemented to ensure accessibility |
4,032 |
Training or technical assistance will be developed or implemented to ensure accessibility of IT and telecommunications. |
1,647 |
No known outcome at this time. | 485 |
Nonrespondent | 181 |
Total | 6,345 |
Center for Assistive Technology Act Data Assistance . Saved: Mar 07 2023 21:22:06 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)