National Assistive Technology Act Data System

Annual Progress Report - Full Report

Mississippi 2023

General Information

Statewide AT Program (Information to be listed in national State AT Program Directory)

State AT Program Title:
Project START
State AT Program Title:
State AT Program URL
Mailing Address:
1281 Highway 51 North
Zip Code:
Program Email:

Lead Agency

Agency Name:
Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services
Mailing Address:
PO Box 1698
Zip Code:
Program URL:

Implementing Entity

Name of Implementing Agency:
Mailing Address:
Zip Code:
Program URL:

Program Director and Other Contacts

Program Director for State AT Program (last, first):
Tucker, Jamie
Program Director at Lead Agency (last, first):
Howard, Chris
Executive Director
Primary Contact at Implementing Agency (last, first) - If applicable:
Tucker, Jamie
Project START Director

Person Responsible for completing this form if other than Program Director

Name (last, first):

Certifying Representative

Name (last, first):
Howard, Chris
Executive Director

State Financing

Did your approved state plan for this reporting period include any State Financing? No
Did your approved state plan for this reporting period include conducting a Financial Loan Program? No

B. State Financing Activities that provide consumers with resources and services that result in the acquisition of AT devices and services

1. Overview of Activities Performed

How many other state financing activities that provide consumers with access to funds for the purchase of AT devices and services were included in your approved state plan? 0

C. State Financing Activities that Allow Consumers to Obtain AT at Reduced Cost

1. Overview of Activities Performed

How many state financing activities that allow consumers to obtain AT at a reduced cost were included in your approved state plan? 0

D. Anecdote

Impact Area

Impact Area

E. Performance Measures

Performance Measures
Response Primary Purpose for Which AT is Needed Total
Education Employment Community Living
1. Could only afford the AT through the AT program. 00 00 00 00
2. AT was only available through the AT program. 00 00 00 00
3. AT was available through other programs, but the system was too complex or the wait time too long. 00 00 00 00
4. Subtotal 00 00 00 00
5. None of the above 00 00 00 00
6. Subtotal 00 00 00 00
7. Nonrespondent 00 00 00 00
8. Total 00 00 00 00
9. Performance on this measure NaN% NaN% NaN%

F. Customer Satisfaction

Customer Rating of Services Number of Customers Percent
Highly satisfied 00 NaN%
Satisfied 00 NaN%
Satisfied somewhat 00 NaN%
Not at all satisfied 00 NaN%
Nonrespondent 00 NaN%
Total Surveyed 00
Response rate % NaN%

G. Notes:


A. Number of Recipients of Reused Devices

Activity Number of Individuals Receiving a Device from Activity
A. Device Exchange 00
B. Device Refurbish/Repair - Reassign and/or Open Ended Loan 80
C. Total 80

Performance Measure
D. Excluded from Performance Measure because AT is provided to or on behalf of an entity that has an obligation to provide the AT such as schools under IDEA or VR agencies/clients. 00
E. Number of Individuals Included in Performance Measures 80

If a number is reported in D you must provide a description of the reason the individuals are excluded from the performance

B. Device Exchange Activities

Device Exchange
Type of AT Device Number of Devices Exchanged Total Estimated Current Purchase Price Total Price for Which Device(s) Were Exchanged Savings to Consumers
Vision 00 $0 $0 $0
Hearing 00 $0 $0 $0
Speech Communication 00 $0 $0 $0
Learning, Cognition and Developmental 00 $0 $0 $0
Mobility, Seating and Positioning 00 $0 $0 $0
Daily Living 00 $0 $0 $0
Environmental Adaptations 00 $0 $0 $0
Vehicle Modification & Transportation 00 $0 $0 $0
Computers and Related 00 $0 $0 $0
Recreation, Sports and Leisure 00 $0 $0 $0
Total 00 $0 $0 $0

C. Device Refurbish/Repair - Reassignment and/or Open Ended Loan Activities

Device Reassign/Repair/Refurbish and/or OEL
Type of AT Device Number of Devices Reassigned/Refurbished and Repaired Total Estimated Current Purchase Price Total Price for Which Device(s) Were Sold Savings to Consumers
Vision 00 $0 $0 $0
Hearing 00 $0 $0 $0
Speech Communication 00 $0 $0 $0
Learning, Cognition and Developmental 00 $0 $0 $0
Mobility, Seating and Positioning 00 $0 $0 $0
Daily Living 01 $2,058 $0 $2,058
Environmental Adaptations 00 $0 $0 $0
Vehicle Modification & Transportation 00 $0 $0 $0
Computers and Related 79 $33,970 $0 $33,970
Recreation, Sports and Leisure 00 $0 $0 $0
Total 80 $36,028 $0 $36,028

D. Anecdote

Project START had a client that had lost his housing.  In the process of transitioning to his new home his bed was lost.  He was sleeping in his power chair.  Project START provided him with a refurbished bed and mattress.  He stated that this would be the first time in weeks he was able to sleep somewhere other than his power chair. 

Impact Area

E. Performance Measures

Performance Measures
Response Primary Purpose for Which AT is Needed Total
Education Employment Community Living
1. Could only afford the AT through the AT program. 00 00 07 07
2. AT was only available through the AT program. 67 01 05 73
3. AT was available through other programs, but the system was too complex or the wait time too long. 00 00 00 00
4. Subtotal 67 01 12 80
5. None of the above 00 00 00 00
6. Subtotal 67 01 12 80
7. Nonrespondent 00 00 00 00
8. Total 67 01 12 80
9. Performance on this measure 100% 100% 100%

F. Customer Satisfaction

Customer Rating of Services Number of Customers Percent
Highly satisfied 73 91.25%
Satisfied 00 0%
Satisfied somewhat 07 8.75%
Not at all satisfied 00 0%
Nonrespondent 00 0%
Total Surveyed 80
Response rate % 100%

G. Notes:

Device Loan

A. Short-Term Device Loans by Type of Purpose

Loans By Purpose
Primary Purpose of Short-Term Device Loan Number
Assist in decision-making (device trial or evaluation) 123
Serve as loaner during service repair or while waiting for funding 03
Provide an accommodation on a short-term basis for a time-limited event/situation 09
Conduct training, self-education or other professional development activity 08
Total 143

B. Short-Term Device Loan by Type of Borrower

Type of Individual or Entity Number of Device Borrowers
Desicion-making All other Purposes Total
Individuals with Disabilities 111 09 120
Family Members, Guardians, and Authorized Representatives 10 05 15
Representative of Education 02 04 06
Representative of Employment 00 01 01
Representatives of Health, Allied Health, and Rehabilitation 00 01 01
Representatives of Community Living 00 00 00
Representatives of Technology 00 00 00
Total 123 20 143

C. Length of Short-Term Device Loans

Length of Short-Term Device Loan in Days 45

D. Types of Devices Loaned

Types of Devices Loaned
Type of AT Device Number of Devices
Desicion-making All other Purposes Total
Vision 50 01 51
Hearing 01 00 01
Speech Communication 16 08 24
Learning, Cognition and Developmental 27 06 33
Mobility, Seating and Positioning 35 08 43
Daily Living 11 02 13
Environmental Adaptations 01 00 01
Vehicle Modification and Transportation 00 00 00
Computers and Related 00 01 01
Recreation, Sports and Leisure 00 00 00
Total 141 26 167

E. Anecdote

Mississippi experienced devastating tornados in April 2023 resulting in catastrophic loss in a poor, rural community. We immediately contacted emergency officials to see how we could assist with AT needs in the area and learned of a young boy who not only lost his wheelchair, but also his prosthetic leg. These tornados hit in the middle of the night, so he wasn't wearing his prosthetic leg. After a visit to the community, we were able to provide him with a loaner wheelchair that ultimately led to donation. The loss of his prosthesis kept weighing on us, so we reached out to a local prosthetics company with whom we have a great relationship. In turn they wanted to help as well so they reached out to the family to provide him with a new prosthetic leg! They will continue following and serving him as he grows and needs additional fitting and therapy.